Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sorry for the lack of updates.

I have been extremely busy and more important things have taken precedence. I have a friend who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a year ago. She was told she would have 5 or so years and the cancer came back with a vengeance in less then a year. She is a great woman who always had a smile and a positive outlook on life and inspired me to try and be the same. It is unfair and wrong and all I can say is she is going out with so much more grace and aplomb then I could ever hope to.

I drove to Spokane last weekend to see her one final time. It was incredibly sad but good at the same time. How many people get to actually say goodbye to their loved ones and friends? She wanted to have a party and many people came. It was very informal and allowed me to meet some of her friends and family I would never have met otherwise. Good people. Unfortunately she was not able to make so we went to her. I love you Carrie!

The two weekends before last I finally got off my butt and built my Dawson inspired TV console. I made a few mistakes and ended up changing it from how I wanted to but I learned a lot. I just finished sanding it last night and wiping it down so it will get stained tonight and poly'd tomorrow. Pictures imminent.

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